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New stevia ȨÆäÀÌÁö

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stevia database

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Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Stevia
Species: rebaudiana
Synonyms: Eupatorium rebaudianum
Common Names: Stevia, sweet leaf of Paraguay, caa-he-éé, kaa jheéé, ca-a-jhei, ca-a-yupi, azucacaa, eira-caa, capim doce, erva doce, sweet-herb, honey yerba, honeyleaf, yaa waan, candy leaf
Part Used: Leaves

From The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs:

Main Actions Other Actions Standard Dosage
  • naturally sweetens
  • kills bacteria
  • Leaves
  • lowers blood sugar
  • kills fungi
  • Ground leaves: 1/4 tsp =
  • increases urination
  • kills viruses
  • 1 tsp of sugar
  • lowers blood pressure
  • reduces inflammation
  • Infusion: 1 cup 2-3
  • dilates blood vessels
  •   times daily

    Stevia is a perennial shrub that grows up to 1 m tall and has leaves 2-3 cm long. It belongs to the Aster family, which is indigenous to the northern regions of South America. Stevia is still found growing wild in the highlands of the Amambay and Iguacu districts (a border area between Brazil and Paraguay). It is estimated that as many as 200 species of Stevia are native to South America; however, no other Stevia plants have exhibited the same intensity of sweetness as S. rebaudiana. It is grown commercially in many parts of Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Central America, Israel, Thailand, and China.

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    8 ½ºÅ׺ñ¾Æ Àç¹è¿Í ÀÌ¿ë¹ý ÀÌ»ó¿ë 2015-10-23 2954
    7 stevia database ÀÌ»ó¿ë 2011-12-23 2813
    6 ½ºÅ׺ñ¾ÆÀÇ ÀÌ¿ë 3 °ü¸®ÀÚ 2011-08-30 3035
    5 ½ºÅ׺ñ¾ÆÀÇ ÀÌ¿ë2 °ü¸®ÀÚ 2011-08-30 2465
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    2 ½ºÅ׺ñ¾Æ Ãà»ê°ú Á¢¸ñ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2011-08-23 1395
    1 ½ºÅ׺ñ¾Æ¿Í ´Ù¸¥°¨¹Ì·á¿Í ºñ±³ [1] ÀÌ»ó¿ë 2011-04-07 1474

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